Latest posts from my blog.
I enjoy exploring technology and sharing my experiences over at my blog. I generally write guides and articles about Linux, software, IoT, and DevOps. Here are a few of my latest blog posts and articles that you might find interesting...
August 30th, 2021
Today I thought I’d take a look at installing a time-series database. As a software developer, in the past, I have set up and used various database engines (RMDBs and NoSQL types) which include Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MongoDB but something that I’ve not really looked at to date are “time-series” database...
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January 18th, 2021
I recently purchased a new Apple Mac Mini M1 that I have been using for development these last few weeks and it has been fantastic but as someone who uses Docker a lot for building and shipping container images, whilst the M1 Macs will build Docker images for the M1/Apple silicon architecture (aarch64) they won’t...
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March 1st, 2020
The “cloud” is great and there are now several cloud providers offering managed Kubernetes clusters such as Amazon’s Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), Google’s Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and Microsoft Azure’s Kubernetes Service (AKS) but sometimes people like to host and play with their own stuff, on their own hardware – right?! Personally, I use several cloud...
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February 24th, 2020
Last weekend I blogged about installing Jenkins (and the Blue Ocean interface) and using Jenkins Pipelines to test against multiple PHP versions in parallel – something that you’d want to do if you were developing and deploying PHP libraries and packages. Using the same Jenkins server that we installed in my last blog post, today...
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February 15th, 2020
In this post I’m going to walk through the process of installing Jenkins and using Pipelines to configure multi-stage parallel builds that test our code against multiple PHP versions in isolation. This setup means that we do not have to install and maintain multiple versions of PHP with multiple PHP extention requirements on our Jenkins...
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February 10th, 2020
A few days ago I blogged about setting up my own privately hosted, open-source alternative to Microsoft Teams/Slack/Discord, which got me thinking and thought I’d look for an alternative to the other features that Office365 offers and post up my findings. I stumbled across ONLYOFFICE, I proceeded to download the desktop client for MacOS and...
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February 7th, 2020
In my opinion, Mattermost is the perfect self-hosted, open-source alternative to Slack and Microsoft Teams. As a software engineer, and like most people I’ve used a variety of messaging platforms (Slack, Discord and Microsoft Teams) to communicate with team members, share, discuss and store ideas but more importantly as part of my DevOps workflow –...
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August 3rd, 2019
Oh-My-ZSH makes your terminal look and feel awesome – I used it daily on my MacOSX machines and also on Linux desktops in the past too! I’ve recently switched my Apple MacBook Pro over to a Dell XPS and am now using Windows as my daily driver. More information on the move can be found...
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July 28th, 2019
I’ve been using MacOS and various iPhones for the past ten years. Apple computers have been my daily driver for general web browsing and as my development machine of choice. As a developer that works on a lot of Linux/UNIX based projects having a “proper” terminal was the main deal breaker for while! I first...
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February 19th, 2018
Netdata is a fantastic real-time monitoring solution for your Linux based servers and I’ve particularly found it useful for monitoring my web servers. Netdata provides a web-based dashboard with real-time graphs and alerting; it provides a myriad of information about your servers out of the box and the interface is slick! Before we start we’ll...
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